Excerpt From “Will-o-the-Wisp Proposal”
ENG 103 Final Project November 11, 2012
The movie Will-o’-the-wisp is centered on the relationship between the two main characters Sophia and Luke Grey. Sophia Grey is a business tycoon in the city of Elysium who has invested in real state, companies, and most importantly research and development with her company Perfecto Prestige. The research and development area that Sophia is investing in is really under wraps and no one really knows what goes on in the laboratories. The developments that Sophia has made available to the people in the city include products that allow for artificial beauty, cures for many different diseases such as Alzheimer’s, heart disease, forms of cancer, and advanced surgical procedures. Luke is Sophia’s son who was his mother’s right hand man and entrusted with responsibilities of the business. Luke was happy to do what ever his mother Sophia asked him to do until he found out what was happening in her research facilities. When Luke entered into one of the facilities all he saw was groups of different people being experimented on and just overall gruesome scenes where the people were being cut on, had become deformed, and even to the point were they would die. The scenes Luke saw lead him to the decision to expose the operations taking place in his mother’s facilities that sickened him. Sophia when confronted by Luke about the subject of what was going on in her Perfecto Prestige laboratories tried to explain how it was for the greater good. She even tried to get Luke to participate in what was happening and even round up the people on the outskirts of town for the experiments. Luke wanted nothing to do with his mother’s madness and tried to expose her to the people. Sophia with the power she held over the city dismissed the accusation by her son and made him out to be deranged man and a person who should be ignored. The city turned on Luke and he had no place to go except the slums on the outskirts of town. The slums consisted of the poorer citizens of the city and were home to the more criminal types. In the slums Luke was able to rally up a small group of skilled people who were concerned about the people gone missing. Luke told them about what he learned about Sophia and made a plan to rescue the people and expose his mother’s evils once and for all.