Crosswind (2015)

This is a short film I produced for the CEI (Cinema Entertainment Immersion) course at Ball State University.


Cuffed (2014)

This is a short film I helped make with my group for our final in our advanced video class. It was filmed with two Canon EOS 7D’s. It was centered on a script I wrote and follows two rival college students who are handcuffed by their fed up friends. We watch as these two slowly get along and find one thing they have in come.

ASBO Comedy Improv Promo (2013)

This is a :30 second promo I made for Ball State’s improv group ABSO. This was my first converged project for my Gateway course in October 2013. Audio was done by my partner Israel Horton.


Alphabet Video (2013)

This is a short video I made in October 2013 for my Gateway course. The project was to find items and make the Alphabet out of them. It was designed to let us get acquainted with the NX-5 cameras and to understand the basics of white balancing, focus, lighting, and use of tripods.


Alice In Wonderland Intro Video (2012)

This is a short video I made in March 2012. This video was played before the beginning of the play I was casted in called Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland. The play started with Alice landing in Wonderland and I wanted to show what was happening before the play started, so I used the actors in the play to allude to there characters that they become in Wonderland. This video was seen before three different audiences.


Dont’ Stop Believin’ Music Video (2012)

This was a music video I made for my Radio and TV class at my high school.